Over The Wall Comedy Presents: Comedy at The Great American Pub
Join us for a comedy show showcasing a variety of local and national comedians, located on the 2nd floor "GAP" stage in Phoenixville, Pa.
Date: Mar 29, 2024
Show Time: Doors open at 5:30 PM, showtime is 7:00 PM.
Lineup Includes:
Frank Vignola - Actor/Comedian
Besides appearances on Comedy Central, Amazon Prime and SiriusXM radio, Mr. Vignola also has performed at Montreal's prestigious "Just for Laughs" Comedy Festival and toured the Middle East with Armed Forces Entertainment. Frank's acting credits include the film roles of "Eddie" in "Tilting at Windmills" (International Film Festival Manhattan), "Mr. Leibowitz" in "Game Night" (Amazon Prime) and voicing the character of "Dr. Robert" in the animated television pilot "Ben v World". And as a teacher he has taught stand-up at some of Manhattan's finest comedy clubs (including StandUpNY, The Laugh Lounge and Broadway Comedy Club) in addition to mentoring and private coaching 2 decades of aspiring comedians for Corporate events
Shawn Bank - Actor/Comedian
Shawn's brand of comedy can be explained as "Happy Sarcastic" with a lot of energy. The comedian has been heard on the nationally syndicated TOM JOYNER Show. The show is heard by over 10-million listeners across the country daily. Shawn was also a Finalist for COMEDY CENTRAL'S South Beach Comedy Festival & Open Mic Fight. Additionally, Shawn won $1000 and a first place bid in NESTLE-PURINA'S Pet Comedy Challenge and competed and WON another $5000 CASH prize in St. Louis, MO. Shawn was also a semifinalist on NBC's "America's Got Talent" and was also seen on the 2nd Season of "Bill Bellamy's Who's Got Jokes" on TV One and more.
Marc Kaye - Actor/Comedian
You might say Marc is a "Jack of all trades, master of none" except his name is Marc and his trades really won't help you out if your pipe springs a leak or you get lost in the forest. So, scratch that - maybe "restless creative type" is better. Marc has been writing - scripts, essays, articles and songs - since he was a kid and as a stand-up comedian, performs internationally, including the Red Clay Comedy Festival and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. His most recent comedy release "I'm a Good Dad" is available on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and numerous platforms and can be heard on Sirius.
Nora Trabin - Actress/Comedian
Nora is Philadelphia based comic who has appeared at Punchline, Helium, and Kricket Comedy. She is a former member of Philly Improv Theater (PHIT) and a 2021 Philly's Punniest finalist.
Your Host
Cisco Hernandez - Comedian
Cisco has had a variety of experiences in the entertainment world. He has spent over 30 years as a DJ / KJ, Singer, MC, Comedian and yes even an Ordained Minister. Nothing seems to stop him from making people laugh at events he’s a part of. In the last 5 years, he has made his mark with appearances at The Valley Forge and PARX Casinos as an upcoming comic. He recently started his own comedy production company called "Over The Wall Comedy" and this year he made his debut at the famous New York’s Gotham Comedy Club.